Writing Like a Pro: Tips from Bestselling Authors

I think you should learn about writing from everybody who has ever written and has anything to teach you -Ernest Hemingway. becoming a pro in Writing as with any skill requires practice, and a willingness to learn, especially from those who have mastered it. Bestselling authors aren't just lucky; they are writers who have refined their skills over time, who’s to teach you how to be there better than those who have been there, and done that?

Let's review some advice from Bestselling Authors, on writing like a pro.

Read – a lot. Stephen King once said, "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."

One of the fundamental principles of becoming better at a craft is studying it. Stephen King and other best-selling authors attest that Reading will help you get better at writing. Invest in reading and analysing the works of other writers both in and outside your niche, and notice what makes their book good, what works, and what doesn't. Ask yourself, why did I enjoy this book? There’s your tip. Stephen King also said, “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

Discipline. “Forget the ‘must do’s’ and concentrate on the ‘you probably won’t get far without.” – J. K. Rowling.

One of the can’t do without mentioned by the magical mind behind Harry Potter was discipline. “Sometimes you have to write even when the muse isn’t cooperating”. The words won't always flow onto the page effortlessly and in those moments, J. K. Rowling advises us to prioritize discipline. Writing routines are beneficial in maintaining discipline and consistency. Carve out dedicated time for writing and adhere to it.

Love the Mess. "The first draft of anything is garbage."-Ernest Hemingway.

Writing is rewriting so don't be afraid to make a mess with your first draft – it's all part of the process. Perfection is only an illusion, just be open to feedback and be willing to make changes, eventually, from what seems to be a mess will emerge a refined manuscript.

Authenticity. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou.

Your voice is the essence of who you are as a writer. It's the way you see the world and express your thoughts and emotions. Finding your voice demands letting yourself be vulnerable. Write from your heart, even when it feels scary, your story is what only you can tell, and your voice is what your audience really connects with.

Tips to ponder, from other authors.

Elizabeth Gilbert: "Your fear is the most boring thing about you."

Tip: Don't let your fear hold you back. Push through it and keep writing.

R.L. Stine: "Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings."

Writing like a pro does require the willingness to learn from those who have come before you. Follow in the footsteps of these bestselling authors and take your writing to the next level.


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